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Welcome to the WinBolo wiki!

At this stage its mainly development focused. Here is a list of starting points.

Improvements or Ideas

If you would like to contribute an idea on how to improve WinBolo, you have a couple of options. First, check the Differences From Bolo Gameplay wiki page to see if your idea is already there. If not, feel free to sign up for an account and add it to the page.

From there, you can either add it to the Project Ideas page on this wiki, or you can go to the WinBolo Trac website and add a new ticket. Be sure to look at the milestones page and see if the enhancement is already listed or under which milestone it should go. The good thing about Trac is that you do not need an account to create tickets.

Source Code

The top level Source Release Readme has some more information.

For the moment, if you would like to submit code please email it to the project owner of the WinBolo Google Code site.

If you plan on submitting code, please take a look at the Coding Conventions that were set in place when the source was released.

Other Applications

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